Sunday, April 29, 2007
Post Buck's Nite Syndrome
Yesterday I had my share of my one and only buck's nite a.k.a bachelor's party. It was really good, the amount of food, drinks and not forgetting the fun that everyone was having seeing the poor Kelvin Mok tortured. I heard that my really really kind ex-housemate uploaded the video clip of my 'torture' on Youtube.Basically, after feeding the good food cooked by really well equipped chefs, they tied my up and gave me make up on my face. And got me to dance in front of a crowd of 100 plus people.
I really don't understand how come the girls are so nice to each other where they pamper Chia Yen and the guys have to undergo such tramatic experiences. Oh well, I guess its really not that bad, I am desperate enough to get married to the one I love, I'll do almost anything biblically right. I think its all worth it, Thanx guys for making my buck's nite so memorable, really appreciate it!
2 more weeks to My BIG day! I am really excited and also filled with lots of things to accomplished before the wedding too. Planning to arrange the flowers for the wedding, I keep telling people that I am trying to save money. But frankly, I really wanted to something special for the wedding to let Yen know that I am willing to contribute something out of the norm to our special day as well. My little way of telling her that I really really love her.

Saturday, April 28, 2007
My First E-Week of 2007
WOW!!! was my first response when I turned up at our Caregroup location. I wasn't expecting such decorations! I was actually quite tired by the time I left home to go for our E-week, but the atmosphere that I went into just encouraged me so much! Ivan and his team was just excellent! That was only the beginning. Later when the programs started, the actors, musicians, magician and the puppets, they were great too! I totally laughed my head off! You guys are naturally gifted to entertain. And not forgetting the wonderful pancakes with ICE CREAM cooked by Sharon and the drinks! I am totally blessed by the efforts you all put in.
Kelvin's RATING for E-Week April 2007 (5 STARS)
Wasted we didn't video taped it down, it would have been awesome! I didn't even take any photos, how lousy can I get....
One thing that really encouraged me was the giving heart of everyone in the unit. I could really see that everyone wanted to be a part of the team to help out in every little ways they can. It was really a 'UNIT' event, cause the entire unit was involved in preparing, planning, acting and so much more! What a privillage it is for me to lead this bunch of serving people. It really dawned upon me that our unit really will be one that is giving and very much serving as well. Great Joy GUYS!

Thursday, April 26, 2007
Passion for the Great Commission?
One question that I took home with me from Leaders' Advance 2007 was "How passionate am I in seeing the Great Commission(GC) come to pass in my life time"?I think constantly we should keep asking oursleves that question, so that we can realine our dreams, desires, hopes and plans for our lives. And then ask again, are we more passionate about the GC than last week or yesterday.
Maybe my passion was only medicore, if it is fulfilled in my life time, it will be great, if not, its cool as well. But I am convinced that I can't continue with this mediocore lifestyle, I need to progress in God, I need to deepen my convictions and passion for Christ. This will also mean that I will not short change my wife-to-be and my people as I lead them to walk more like Chirst. Its going to be an exciting journey ahead of me, and I know challenges are bound to arise. But one thing I know for sure, God will always be by my side!
Too all who are passionate about making a difference in the world, lets start together to think BIG! but also learn to take small and humble steps to reach the larger Goal GOD is calling us towards. Be faithful in the little things, only then will God entrust us with the greater things He has in store for us!

Monday, April 23, 2007
As a church we are now embarking on another exciting phase of rising funds to build UNIDUS; our community centre to reach the people for CHRIST. When I first heard about the plans for buying a land and building a community centre, I was so touched by the vision and plans this centre was going to do and bring to the people. I was thinking then, would I be around to see the physical building and be a part of the church to reach the people around the region. As time passed, a greater burden started to increase to want to be a part of this exciting church.
I really hope to see that soon, there will be sporting facilities available so that we can use those as avenues to reach the youths who seek a sense of belonging and achievements. Studies might not be the only way a youth can prove themselves as someone capable; sports is a good alterntive too! As I really pray that I can see that happen. A soccer school! I am so excited just thinking about it.
For those who happen to stumble upon my blog, consider the effects UNIDUS can bring to the community and how much better we can advance God's Kingdom! Let us all arise as GODLY individuals to make a difference in this world that really needs it!

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Judah Movers Pty Ltd
It seems like our company of movers have just increased in size today. It was really great to see so many ones coming together on a Saturday early morning to help our senior Pastor move into his new home.
I knew that some might find it hard to wake up in the morning, but thank God that everyone still chose to give up their precious sleeping time to sacrifice for their wonderful Pastor. The moving part wasn't too tough, many hands make work light. The excited hearts of everyone got the work done pretty fast as well. Overall, I am really greatful and thankful for the wonderful guys of Judah 1 & 4. THANK YOU Ivan, Bong, Calvin, Thomas, Alex, Edward, Patrick!!
When we arrived at pastor's new home, I was thinking to myself, GOD really blessed His servants. The house was huge, beautiful and value for money! But with all these advantages, also comes disadvantages like cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, buying grass and plants to fill the land, buy more furniture and so on. But hearing from the kids, they really like their new home; so i guess its all worth it.
Its 20 more days to my BIG DAY as you can see from the days counter; its really exciting! This evening we also went down together with Fabien and Jocelyn to Runcorn Christian Church to take another look of venue and make necessary plannings for the day itself. Seems like there is still quite a fair bit to be done. May God grant us the grace and strength to carry us through this time of planning.
I am really trying to update this blog as often as I can, so stay tune!

Friday, April 20, 2007
Irregular Updates
Today, I realised that I have not updated my blog for a really really long time. Reason for it? I am hoping to use having a 'busy schedule' as an excuse. But I personally don't think I can.
So here goes,
Having gotten used to the life here in Brisbane, I kinda realised that I am really used to the lifestyle over here. I started with the usual programs of my life. Looking for jobs, planning for the wedding both here in Brisbane and also in Singapore, planning for the travel plans for chia yen & my family and also with Ministry too.
Seems like my days have been passing by very quickly, I have already been back here for about 4 weeks already. Within this month, I already went for one interview with Fitness-First (a well known gym in Aust), sent out my resume more than 10 times, even wrote one Selection Criteria. After the first interview, I thought my chances was very high, but their response was that since I could not start until June, they can't employ me. Looking at the brighter side of it all, I had fun at the interview. Gaining more experience for interviews, preparing for the kinds of questions they might ask about you.
Another highlight of my month was my Oceania Convention experience with God. When I first arrived in Melbourne, all I was thinking was for God to speak to me, to help me grow Judah 1 and help me lead the people with Godly wisdom and direction. As we all know, God will always be faithful; He spoke encouragement and assurance into my life. Now I am geared up to serve Him better and looking forward to be working hand in hand with someone I treasure and love a lot; my wife-to-be. :)

You are naturally athletic and coordinated, good at making your mind and body work together.Sports are fun and easy for you, especially those requiring good hand - eye coordination.There's also a good chance you're a great dancer, or good at expressing yourself through body language.You learn best by doing, and you feel like you've always got to be moving (even if it's just your hands).You would make a good athlete, physical education teaches, dancer, actor, firefighter, or artisan.