Wednesday, June 20, 2007
ITS ALIVE!! ITS ALIVE! :my blog is alive...
I think its time to come back once again.Currently, I am still in the mist of looking for a job, really pray for me that God will open the doors for me to work in the field that I want, if its according to His will though.
Seems like now has been a really good and refreshing time for me to really adapt to life back in Brisbane. The ministry, the people, the recreation and yeah the weather too. Speaking of Ministry!! I would finally resume my role as a worship leader! I am so excited and scared at the same time. At the back of my mind, i keep thinking i might forget this or that and I am just trying my best to prepare the worship to the best I can. The amount of time I spent in my Q.T was just a good start for me overall.
God is so good, all that He does is good. All that He is going to do is also good! There is still so much of His goodness that I have yet to discover! This basically is the theme of the worship this sunday. A time to allow His creation to marvel at His amazing wonders, none can compare or even come close. "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD"! Its going to be exciting, do I still have the energy like before? I really don't know or can't remember. But I do pray that my praise and worship unto Him will just flow out and be an encouragement to everyone.