Friday, April 20, 2007
Irregular Updates
Today, I realised that I have not updated my blog for a really really long time. Reason for it? I am hoping to use having a 'busy schedule' as an excuse. But I personally don't think I can.
So here goes,
Having gotten used to the life here in Brisbane, I kinda realised that I am really used to the lifestyle over here. I started with the usual programs of my life. Looking for jobs, planning for the wedding both here in Brisbane and also in Singapore, planning for the travel plans for chia yen & my family and also with Ministry too.
Seems like my days have been passing by very quickly, I have already been back here for about 4 weeks already. Within this month, I already went for one interview with Fitness-First (a well known gym in Aust), sent out my resume more than 10 times, even wrote one Selection Criteria. After the first interview, I thought my chances was very high, but their response was that since I could not start until June, they can't employ me. Looking at the brighter side of it all, I had fun at the interview. Gaining more experience for interviews, preparing for the kinds of questions they might ask about you.
Another highlight of my month was my Oceania Convention experience with God. When I first arrived in Melbourne, all I was thinking was for God to speak to me, to help me grow Judah 1 and help me lead the people with Godly wisdom and direction. As we all know, God will always be faithful; He spoke encouragement and assurance into my life. Now I am geared up to serve Him better and looking forward to be working hand in hand with someone I treasure and love a lot; my wife-to-be. :)