Sunday, February 25, 2007
Reflections after CNY 07
Today marks a sharp turn in my life. I really felt today that God is wanting to start something in me that could really change me life for the better. As I was praying with Yen over the phone, a picture of a Bag with many many compartments was being opened and searched through. I could see that, God was doing just that in my life and very much so in Yen's life as well. God has started to challenge my allegiance towards Him, if I was for real or not.
And today I also realised how much i missed Brisbane with all the shepherding I have been receiving and giving to and from others. I realised that I was losing that desire to serve God and His people. With that realisation, I felt that God is prompting me to wake up and not settle in the comforts of life.
Previously, I was unknowingly being sucked into my own world of self-pity; "oh what a torturous life I am living". And I happily used that as an excuse to slip into a life without ministry and sadly I was satisfied with that excuse. How scary it was, since there was no one I was accountable to here in Singapore. Thank God for His grace and forgiveness to help me to see the light before darkness totally consumes me.
Since the end of my stay here in Singapore and my service for the nation is coming to an end, there are 6 days of leave for me to take from work. I have been challenged to use those 6 days to serve Him. Instead of 'saving up' the leave till the end, I'll use the leave so that I can regularly attend CG and even try to learn from the Worship team in Hope S'pore. (ha ha, I am writing this so that people who might read my blog can keep me accountable, who reads a dead blog anyway :P) I pray that God will give me the strength to press on and desire to live out this life boldly for Him.