Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Being thankful for all I have been blessed with in 2006
Many times I would think to myself; how come I can't be like someone else and be as good as someone else. I think this just simply displays my insecurities and lack of self-confidence of who I am meant to be in Christ. I think this year, this thought would be something I am trying to deal with and learn to overcome.
I really need to appreciate the past that God has brought me through; the good times, fun times, bad times, lonely times and even the I am trying my whole life to forget. It was these 'times' that has made me who I am and continue to mould me to who I am going to be. Of course I will try to stand firm and walk in the path of righteousness such that the last quarter of a century that I just lived would not be in vain. I see that as I learn to appreciate everything that God has blessed me with, I can really stand and testify that I am very very rich spiritually.
The year of 2006 has been a ride I would exchange for anything in the world. For starters, this was the year that marked the transition of my phase in life. I proposed to the one girl I want to commit myself to for the rest of my life. And by doing so, many plans that I made and drafted are really based upon my simple faith that God will provide.
Another mile stone in 2006 was the day I prayed and accepted before God the responsibility to lead the unit of Judah 4. Stepping into unknown grounds of leadership; a spiritual gift I have none or little of. But even through it all, I did nothing, but God did everything. God opened the doors, I closed my eyes and followed blindly. God poured out so much blessings that now as I look back, my jaw is still dropped in amazement. People grew, well at least some did; community grew too! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Other life molding experiences were that of learning how to deal with people, teach people, and even learning how to live like Christ. I had this wonderful opportunity to learn how to juggle work, school, ministry and personal life all at one go. I loved every moment of it; now that its over. I have learnt that I am a very one track minded person. With some many things on my plate, and yeah, to top it off, my plate was the size of a saucer. If that week I was focused on ministry, then its only ministry, others things would be put on hold, or would be of lesser priority. So that learning curve was a tough one, I don't know how I actually fared for that, but I know I am better than before, but with still lots of room for improvement. Never will be satisfied until I reach the fullness of Christ; which is a long time to wait ;)
2007......The beginnings and the ending of a soldier turning into a civilian. What will happen in this remaining 3 months? I can't wait to see what changes will take place in me. But I am already changing a bit more everyday. The thought of me being a husband too can be exciting yet.....scary. Nothing to do with the fact of who my wife is going to be, but rather what kind of a husband will I be; that really scares me. Can I live out the best in me? We'll see.
An exciting year ahead! May God guide my paths as I seek His voice and directions more each day. And the rising heat of desire for more of God every single second
I really need to appreciate the past that God has brought me through; the good times, fun times, bad times, lonely times and even the I am trying my whole life to forget. It was these 'times' that has made me who I am and continue to mould me to who I am going to be. Of course I will try to stand firm and walk in the path of righteousness such that the last quarter of a century that I just lived would not be in vain. I see that as I learn to appreciate everything that God has blessed me with, I can really stand and testify that I am very very rich spiritually.
The year of 2006 has been a ride I would exchange for anything in the world. For starters, this was the year that marked the transition of my phase in life. I proposed to the one girl I want to commit myself to for the rest of my life. And by doing so, many plans that I made and drafted are really based upon my simple faith that God will provide.
Another mile stone in 2006 was the day I prayed and accepted before God the responsibility to lead the unit of Judah 4. Stepping into unknown grounds of leadership; a spiritual gift I have none or little of. But even through it all, I did nothing, but God did everything. God opened the doors, I closed my eyes and followed blindly. God poured out so much blessings that now as I look back, my jaw is still dropped in amazement. People grew, well at least some did; community grew too! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Other life molding experiences were that of learning how to deal with people, teach people, and even learning how to live like Christ. I had this wonderful opportunity to learn how to juggle work, school, ministry and personal life all at one go. I loved every moment of it; now that its over. I have learnt that I am a very one track minded person. With some many things on my plate, and yeah, to top it off, my plate was the size of a saucer. If that week I was focused on ministry, then its only ministry, others things would be put on hold, or would be of lesser priority. So that learning curve was a tough one, I don't know how I actually fared for that, but I know I am better than before, but with still lots of room for improvement. Never will be satisfied until I reach the fullness of Christ; which is a long time to wait ;)
2007......The beginnings and the ending of a soldier turning into a civilian. What will happen in this remaining 3 months? I can't wait to see what changes will take place in me. But I am already changing a bit more everyday. The thought of me being a husband too can be exciting yet.....scary. Nothing to do with the fact of who my wife is going to be, but rather what kind of a husband will I be; that really scares me. Can I live out the best in me? We'll see.
An exciting year ahead! May God guide my paths as I seek His voice and directions more each day. And the rising heat of desire for more of God every single second