Saturday, December 16, 2006
Updates of 3SG Mok
One very important lesson i have learnt over the last two weeks of army is that, God is interested to train the spirit man, the emotional man and even the physical man. This lesson is gem in my eyes. I really appreciate this time of testing and moulding of all three areas of my life.
Last monday morning, i attended my first commanders training. Man....that was tough. I did my jogs in Australia, but boy is that standard far from that of the army. Haha. And i thought i was in for an easy time for the remainder of my service term for the nation. With regards to the training, i was having mixed feelings about it, on one hand, i was excited about the training i was receiving and how i could take this opportunity to train my fitness and look better on my wedding day. But on the other hand......i was literally suffering, the pain in my legs, bones and even my heart. And the worst part is that we are going to have these training TWICE a WEEK!!! At the end of these four months, you will either see a rather fit Me, or a very trashed and worn out me. I am chosing to believe that its the 1st you would see. :)
See, thats the physically part that God is training within me to endure the toughness and hardships of life. Now for the emotional part that God is training. That is well...harder to put into words, really. At the beginning when i first resumed my service, i really felt lost, abandoned and lonely. I felt like i was thrown into a prison of robots wearing green, and that if i wanted to blend in, i would also have to be like a robot; be emotionless. I didn't have much friends to talk to, no one to share my worries and pain with. Those times were really the times when God used to strengthen my emotional man.
I had to learn to fully depend on God, since there wasn't anyone else around me to help me. I had consistant Q.T, spent much times of the day praying in tongues and just crying out to Him for help. Soon, i was able to stand more firmly and consider that God's purpose for me in the army shall not go to waste.
Last monday morning, i attended my first commanders training. Man....that was tough. I did my jogs in Australia, but boy is that standard far from that of the army. Haha. And i thought i was in for an easy time for the remainder of my service term for the nation. With regards to the training, i was having mixed feelings about it, on one hand, i was excited about the training i was receiving and how i could take this opportunity to train my fitness and look better on my wedding day. But on the other hand......i was literally suffering, the pain in my legs, bones and even my heart. And the worst part is that we are going to have these training TWICE a WEEK!!! At the end of these four months, you will either see a rather fit Me, or a very trashed and worn out me. I am chosing to believe that its the 1st you would see. :)
See, thats the physically part that God is training within me to endure the toughness and hardships of life. Now for the emotional part that God is training. That is well...harder to put into words, really. At the beginning when i first resumed my service, i really felt lost, abandoned and lonely. I felt like i was thrown into a prison of robots wearing green, and that if i wanted to blend in, i would also have to be like a robot; be emotionless. I didn't have much friends to talk to, no one to share my worries and pain with. Those times were really the times when God used to strengthen my emotional man.
I had to learn to fully depend on God, since there wasn't anyone else around me to help me. I had consistant Q.T, spent much times of the day praying in tongues and just crying out to Him for help. Soon, i was able to stand more firmly and consider that God's purpose for me in the army shall not go to waste.
"In my life be lifted high, In my world be lifted high, In my love be lifted high." the words i want to live out even when am in my lowest pits of my life.
Then finally, as God was restoring my emotional man, He at the same time built my spirit man. For this very reason, I thank God for everything that He has placed me through and because of such desperate times, God drew me closer and closer to Him.
Thus, treasure every single moment of your life. Treat every second as an important opportunity to learn and lift God's name higher and higher. My deepest prayer is that those people in my camp will be touched through my lifestyle. May God bring that to past!
Miss you all! Do continue to strive in your walk with God!