Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Television: The Devil's Box?
I am currently on my search to the conclusion if media has indeed corrupted our world; our world of sports.Interesting I came across this quote on the James LeBron incident when he was still in High School.
"The James saga has less to do with LeBron than with everything that now passes as sports and popular culture, starting before James was kicking slates out of his cradle. He was raised in a world that purposely instills hideously warped values - even criminal values.
LeBron's not a victim of the rules, he's a victim of his senses that long ago began to be filled with junk. Kids can't even watch the SUPER BOWL without steady commercial reminders to have plenty of sex with their beer bottle and assault rifles.
And as long as these kids are pushed with persistent information - the number of what sociologist call 'at risk children' will escalate."
Isn't this old school? Yeah I thought so too, but then it occurred to me that I too have been numbed to the fact that my values have might have been corrupted too. I fear the days where my nieces, nephews and children have to discern what is right from wrong; not letting the society determine that for them.
Though I like the idea of not having a television in the house, but me being me, I need to input of broadcasted sports action. What a dilemma.....tell me what you think too.