Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Today, Wednesday 1st Nov 2006
Praise God!!!I finally finished my 2nd last assignment! THIS MEANS I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE TO GO!!!!!
But with that also came a price of sleep deficient; only 4hrs last night. Am thinking of going to retire to bed early tonight.
Along with such an eventful day, had chat with the head of StudentLife(Queensland) to discuss about the future of the caregroup in IES. Sometimes I have skewed thoughts about how us as Christians should function; like another other commercial organisation or are we different from the rest?
My little brain with limited functions came up with the conclusion that we should operate like commercial organisation in terms of the strategies, ideas, plans and even management style. But the difference is the purpose, goal and motivation behind the operation. Well, that's in summary what I could come up with. But I think in cases like these, God should come in to be the judge of it all. The ONE in charge placed us all in our places for a very good reason. Its for us to figure out how we can effectively reach the lost for Him!
Praise GOD for WHO HE is, not what He gives
(personal quote from Kelvin Mok)