Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Getting Serious about Policy Development
This entry is for those who are serious about the matter of policy development; and of course specially dedicated to my dearest fiancee our wonderful church administrator.Making Policies come alive:
Appropriate Classification
Keeping policies both conceptually and physically in categories is the key to organised governance.
Policies must exist in written form. Allow questions and feedback for further development and improvement of policies. (point to take note, explicit polices could end up being exposed and easy for public confrontation and questions)
Policies must be up to date. Rather than developing new polices, modify old ones to update them and make the applicable to current staff.
Policies must mean what they say, if not, it'll be forgotten. Governing is a verbal job, if a board's words have little integrity, governance cannot be excellent.
Central Availability
Policies need to be quickly available to all staff for easy reference; kept in a place where is central and available. To make a difference, policies must be in a single repository that has obvious preeminence over other organisational documents.
Keep it simple, short and sweet, easy to remember.
Carver, J.(2006). Boards that make a difference: A new design for leadership in nonprofit and public organizations, (3rd ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint
Assignment Fever is taking its toll.....even in my blogging......its getting out of control!!!!!!!!!