Friday, May 04, 2007
Thank God for Ps Mike!
Thanx Chris for posting your entry on Ps Mike Guglielmucci. After I read it on monday morning, I was thinking and questioning about why and how come God allows such a thing to happen to His people, His people who have been working so hard for Him, people who gave their all in serving Him. But today, I realised that no matter how much I try to question God and sometimes even doubt the way He does things. But today I know for such that God knows fully what and why He is doing the things He has been doing! God is always so faithful!
God just reminded me that He uses the lives of people to teach us something. In the case of Ps Mike, it could be the lesson of perserverence through hardship and difficulty. It could also be the lesson of having a contenting heart with all that God has blessed us with; good health. I think personally, I got the heart of a warrior of GOD for Ps Mike. A heart that refuses to be defeated by the circumstances around him; like Rocky in all his movies. Being badly beaten, but he still masters enough strength to get up and keep fighting.
I want to live my life like that! I reckon I am still in the warrior training phase. But I can say I am a trainee eagerly waiting to go into battle. I pray that God will continue to burn His fire of passion within me, that this eagerness will not fade away with the pressures of this world.
Praise God for Ps Mike! May God bless him and be his 'Healer' just like the song he wrote!