Thursday, April 26, 2007
Passion for the Great Commission?
One question that I took home with me from Leaders' Advance 2007 was "How passionate am I in seeing the Great Commission(GC) come to pass in my life time"?I think constantly we should keep asking oursleves that question, so that we can realine our dreams, desires, hopes and plans for our lives. And then ask again, are we more passionate about the GC than last week or yesterday.
Maybe my passion was only medicore, if it is fulfilled in my life time, it will be great, if not, its cool as well. But I am convinced that I can't continue with this mediocore lifestyle, I need to progress in God, I need to deepen my convictions and passion for Christ. This will also mean that I will not short change my wife-to-be and my people as I lead them to walk more like Chirst. Its going to be an exciting journey ahead of me, and I know challenges are bound to arise. But one thing I know for sure, God will always be by my side!
Too all who are passionate about making a difference in the world, lets start together to think BIG! but also learn to take small and humble steps to reach the larger Goal GOD is calling us towards. Be faithful in the little things, only then will God entrust us with the greater things He has in store for us!