Thursday, June 21, 2007
How is Married life?
Wow, i think that is the question that most people have asked me for the past whole month. Good thing they didn't ask, "How come you have put on so much weight"? Well that's most probably cause people are really sensitive and understanding as well. I love my married life! Its just awesome. For such a long time in my life I have been wanting or rather dying to get married. Now!!, Yes now I am finally there. And I tell you its Great!!! far better than what I have imagined.
But with all these great moments, also come certain issues that I have to deal with. Weekly cleaning of the house, washing dishes and so on.. These things are not usually done on a weekly basis in my bachelor days. But now that I am living with my beloved wife, the environment needs to be cleaner. But well, I am enjoying the cleanliness as well!
Another great part about married life is also about the openness one must have with your partner. Day in and day out, you see each other every single day. Surely your partner will have to know you much better, it comes to a point where there is nothing to hide. And that is great! I don't have to wait until shepherding to release all my worries and unhappiness in ministry! I have my wife who has gladly volunteered to support all the way. I would do like wise for her too :D
That is married life for me, it is really nice.