Friday, June 22, 2007
When its the time of the year once again where people are packing up their bags, notes and textbooks to return home to where they have come from. Time just flies pass so fast, once you have discovered that you could impact someone's life a bit more and you realised that they are leaving already.I guess thats why it is so important for us in the student ministry to take hold of every single opportunity we have to speak into someone's life, impact them and just share with them how much God will use a willing servant.
Just looking back, there has been so many farewells that I have been to already. Comparing to others like Wenan, Lillian or even my dear wife; maybe they have been to many more farewells than me. As much as I don't really like that feeling of not being able to see someone as much as you used to. But still I thank God for all the people that He has brought into my life and also has brought them away to their home countries, one as such is my dearest housemate, childhood friend, gaming partner, karaoke partner and bestman. I really miss those times...
May God continue to fill my path with many more people whom I can impact and make a difference to. Praise God for everything