Thursday, March 22, 2007
The soon to ORDed Kelvin
Hai...I typed like a whole long entry, then I don't know what I pressed, everything disappeared. So sad. So this is the shorter version.
On the day of leaving the camp, the feeling of sadness was there. Missing the people most of all. I was surprised that I would meet a number of good friends over the short period of 3 months. But yah, the people were great. Now I have to get used to the freedom once again. The first few days I had to overcome the loss of a very strict routine lifestyle. But that wasn't too hard to get used to.
What I want to share is that God really uses every single moment of our lives to teach us something. Sometimes we get it, sometimes we don't. Thus it is very important to take time every night to just evaluate the day that just pass, recall if there is anything you can learn from it. Precious 4 months thought me the importance of doing so.
Now I am just busy with wedding preparations, cleaning and packing room and catching up with friends. Time just really fly by so quickly, in one week's time I'll be back in Brisbane once more. I'll really miss my parents who have been really supportive over this period of time. I'll miss my cousins and friends as well. Some things that i will miss is the food, street soccer court, ESPN Sports and STAR Sports Channel on cable.