Friday, November 17, 2006
Water Restrictions in South East Queensland.
Well, for those who know, now in Brisbane, we are in our LEVEL 4 water restriction plan. So that means no using of buckets of water outside the time of 4am to 8am AND 4pm to 8pm.Interesting, so the watering of my plants have to kept within that span of time, the washing of car too. Not that i understand why they capped it at that time slot; but i guess they are the professionals, i'll just be the obedient resident and stick to the rules, if not there will be a $150 fine!.
Whats with me saying all that for? Its for us to all pray that rain will start falling at the dams to collect more water! thats why :D
And also cause i need to wash the car, so have to wait till 4pm, then can wash.
The highlights of my day is now to finish packing both the things i want to bring home and also the things i am keeping here. After staying here for like 5 years.....i do have a lot of things to pack. And yes...i don't like packing! :(
While packing, i'll feel happy that i am going back, though only for awhile, but there are also mixed feelings where i'll be missing someone when i am gone and the army days ahead of me. But i figured, i have to move on anyway. Just another phase of life to undergo. :D
Enjoying this stress free life now. Don't think it'll be the same back in Singapore. God you know how much i can bear....give me strength to carry on for you.

Saturday, November 11, 2006
my beloved little kids

So Proud of you guys!
I am going to miss you all!
These ones have really brought out the little boy in me too...haha, have to learn to identify and bridge the generation gap. Having a little sister does for sure help in that process too! rite Rach?
Continue to shine and make Christ known in IES and everywhere else you'll be.

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Such touching words
Today i heard this:" Don't marry someone you CAN live with, Marry someone you CAN'T live without.I was so touched. And i know now for sure, that i can't live without her.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
The Television: The Devil's Box?
I am currently on my search to the conclusion if media has indeed corrupted our world; our world of sports.Interesting I came across this quote on the James LeBron incident when he was still in High School.
"The James saga has less to do with LeBron than with everything that now passes as sports and popular culture, starting before James was kicking slates out of his cradle. He was raised in a world that purposely instills hideously warped values - even criminal values.
LeBron's not a victim of the rules, he's a victim of his senses that long ago began to be filled with junk. Kids can't even watch the SUPER BOWL without steady commercial reminders to have plenty of sex with their beer bottle and assault rifles.
And as long as these kids are pushed with persistent information - the number of what sociologist call 'at risk children' will escalate."
Isn't this old school? Yeah I thought so too, but then it occurred to me that I too have been numbed to the fact that my values have might have been corrupted too. I fear the days where my nieces, nephews and children have to discern what is right from wrong; not letting the society determine that for them.
Though I like the idea of not having a television in the house, but me being me, I need to input of broadcasted sports action. What a dilemma.....tell me what you think too.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
In the mist of my assignments
I m starting to settle for the fact that I am a person who cannot focus on too many things in life at one time. Currently I m still trying to finish up my assignment and still at the back of my mind there is the need to plan many other things out as well.As much as I want to be able to finish them up quickly, but sometimes one agenda will be hindered or 'interrupted' by another. I really am praying that God will grant me the focus and the attention span like no other... maybe like a special 'God given attention' so that at least I can finish the most basic task at hand; my assignment.
And whats more! I have also learn to acknowledge that my dearest is very different from me. Haha, today at marriage prep course we were asked to identify our characteristics and personalities. Well it isn't hard to guess, Yen and I; very different of course.
But more than acknowledge, I really want to appreciate our differences and use our difference to benefit our lives and more importantly the KINGDOM of GOD.
Alrighty, its time to head back to the books.
MY PRAYER:" God please grant me the ability to finish writing this assignment really soon. And after that I will be able to focus on Your Kingdom as well. In Jesus Name I Pray, AMEN."

Sunday, November 05, 2006

testing the position

Romans 8:6-8 Mind of a sinful man is DEATH
Ro 8:6 The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7 the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to GodÂs law, nor can it do so. 8 Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.I thoughtIi better record this down before I forget it.
A sinful mind is hostile to God. This simply means that when we have chose to sin in our minds, we have already blocked out the choices the Holy Spirit wants for us. The sinful mind cannot submit to God.
Thus, we don't have to physically commit a sinful act to say that we have sinned. We will be tempted and there is nothing wrong with being tempted; Jesus too was tempted. But it is when we have conformed to the temptation in our minds, that we have then blocked out that option to obey the Holy Spirit's voice.
THAT is why it is very important for us to make our decisions quickly to obey Christ, don't dwell in the grey areas of life; draw a more distinct line to deepen your convictions in all areas of your life.
Do so not only to protect yourself, but also to protect those around you; your close ones, sheep and even members.

So great to have a supportive senior leadership team in Church!
God is really good to have placed me in such a wonderful church filled with many wonderful and godly leaders.I had the privilege to preach before them today, and dispict my unprepared preaching, they were still gentle and kind in their evaluation; really seeking to build one each other.
What happened was last night I just felt the sense that I was up for apprentice preaching today, and when I asked Yen to check for me since she was online. And the horrific news came to me:"Its really you preaching leh!"
It was then I realised that I was in deep deep trouble. But God through His gracious heart, spoke to me on the area to preach, but due to the lack of time, I really couldn't link my points properly. I even forgot to include my 'punchy' and impacting conclusion. Overall, according to the evaluation, they said I had the energy and I was able to convey the heart conviction. GOD BE PRAISED!!!!
To be continued.....

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Laughing BABY!!Having a bad day? Watch this and you'll feel alright once more!
HAHA!! you guys should really check this clip out! so much fun having this baby! And plus his laughter is so infectious!!!

This is one of my favourite Cantonese songs. Really like, and also i think i understand it the most, considering the fact that i can't speak that language.

Friday, November 03, 2006
My Tribute to SOPHIE LIM

Its such a shame, that i m not there with her now. Looking forward to carry her when i get back to SINGAPORE.
But yeah, according to my sister, Sophie has one of the Mok's trademarks; sleeping with the eyes slightly open! How cool is that! The times when I fell asleep but my teacher did not catch me, cause my eyes were still open. funny. I have had friends continue talking to me while i was sleeping thinking that i am still awake.
Thats all for now.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Embarking on the journey of my final Assignment!
Such nice weather, I should be out there enjoying the sun, wind and fresh air. But I am now sitting at my desk, thinking how I should structure my FINAL university assignment. "SPORTS GLOBALISATION AND MEDIA"Thinking about it, I thought that it was the media that brought about the strongest push for globalisation. The radio, tele, and how the fastest of all; the internet.
After chatting with my older sister (who is a mother of a really really pretty one month old daughter), the internet is really a blessing since I am usually so far away from people in Singapore. But its all still good, I love the internet; its allowing me to share my thoughts with everyone :D how cool!
After this assignment, it'll be planning for the Wedding, Unit, and future plans ie: look at a house and even keep a look out for cheap furniture or white goods. :D
I am actually looking forward to that! Had so much fun last Thursday going to the opening of the NEW and HUGE IKEA, we already chose what furniture we wanted. And trying very hard to keep to the $2000 budget for everything such as Bed, fridge, dining table, washing machine and mattress. So excited! I can't wait!
Well, its always nice to have something to look forward to yah? Something to keep me going to say:"Hey Kelvin, keep going, You want to move on from here already!"
BUT for now, *MUSIC* Back to life, back to reality
PEACE OUT! Find God and know Him for yourself, that's the only way to peace out ;)
MUMMY and Daddy!!! I love you! And I miss you too!

~the day i proposed~

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Today, Wednesday 1st Nov 2006
Praise God!!!I finally finished my 2nd last assignment! THIS MEANS I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE TO GO!!!!!
But with that also came a price of sleep deficient; only 4hrs last night. Am thinking of going to retire to bed early tonight.
Along with such an eventful day, had chat with the head of StudentLife(Queensland) to discuss about the future of the caregroup in IES. Sometimes I have skewed thoughts about how us as Christians should function; like another other commercial organisation or are we different from the rest?
My little brain with limited functions came up with the conclusion that we should operate like commercial organisation in terms of the strategies, ideas, plans and even management style. But the difference is the purpose, goal and motivation behind the operation. Well, that's in summary what I could come up with. But I think in cases like these, God should come in to be the judge of it all. The ONE in charge placed us all in our places for a very good reason. Its for us to figure out how we can effectively reach the lost for Him!
Praise GOD for WHO HE is, not what He gives
(personal quote from Kelvin Mok)

Getting Serious about Policy Development
This entry is for those who are serious about the matter of policy development; and of course specially dedicated to my dearest fiancee our wonderful church administrator.Making Policies come alive:
Appropriate Classification
Keeping policies both conceptually and physically in categories is the key to organised governance.
Policies must exist in written form. Allow questions and feedback for further development and improvement of policies. (point to take note, explicit polices could end up being exposed and easy for public confrontation and questions)
Policies must be up to date. Rather than developing new polices, modify old ones to update them and make the applicable to current staff.
Policies must mean what they say, if not, it'll be forgotten. Governing is a verbal job, if a board's words have little integrity, governance cannot be excellent.
Central Availability
Policies need to be quickly available to all staff for easy reference; kept in a place where is central and available. To make a difference, policies must be in a single repository that has obvious preeminence over other organisational documents.
Keep it simple, short and sweet, easy to remember.
Carver, J.(2006). Boards that make a difference: A new design for leadership in nonprofit and public organizations, (3rd ed). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint
Assignment Fever is taking its toll.....even in my blogging......its getting out of control!!!!!!!!!

my craze over stationery
therealmokI think I m just crazy over stationery. I can't pin point what is my total attraction to it about as well. Its like one of those occasions where you'll think to yourself, how come I like that thing so much. Strange huh? I think so too!!!!
Today I went to OfficeWorks (a HUGE stationery +++ store) and I found myself lusting over everything there. And I think its a family thingy where we find the joy in shopping therapy. (haha) Or if my sisters don't agree, then I think its just me!! Oh NO!! That's a bad sign! But the good thing is that I was able to learn to find comfort and peace in God, so such therapy is no longer necessary, even though I still like to if possible to indulge in it.
This whole busy with assignment season seems to be driving me insane. But in the mist of this insanity, I can still find that joy and comfort in God and the people around me.
(Just a passing thought during my brain malfunction while writing my assignment on GOVERNANCE IN SPORT)

How interesting!My first BLOG entry to introduce myself to the cyber world!
I have yet to find out more about myself, but i believe as time passes by, i'll be granted more chances to discover the side of me which i have never knew as well. But what i know, i'll try to convey it out in words.
I have always thought of myself as someone who is emotional, laid back, fun loving and friendly. Well, most of the above mentioned is true, but then according to different settings and occasions, a different side of me will arise.
I really love to have fun and enjoy the company of close friends. But i think i'll have to admit that i am not really a keeper of friends; those around would quickly testify to that too. I don't have the habit of calling, emailing, chatting with people. I seem to keep friends who are convinent, people who are nearby, people who are around. But i think this has to change, i am letting the laid back side of me take over when it comes to keeping in contact with those close to me. I really miss my friends back in Singapore, the times when we use to hang out and just enjoying each others' company. I love those days.
So i thought, this site might just somehow increase my connection with my friends back home or anywhere around the world.
If any of you are interested in finding the real me, the kelvin mok without the exterior cover, i think this might just be the place to do that :)