Thursday, July 05, 2007
I Moved!
To those who read my blog, who I know not many do :PI moved to
I have decided to combine my blog together with my dear wife.
Do check it out :D and remember to change your links ;)

Monday, July 02, 2007
Is the gift of Faith something I have?I want to believe that I have such a gift, but what great difficulty is it to believe. Especially when I don't the courage and experiences seeing it happen.
Keep a look out, haha...I pray that I will learn to start exercising that gift soon! :)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Touching Heaving Touching Deep
Prayer reaches the heavens and shakes hades. That's what prayer does. Yesterday when I was leading Praise cause my dear leader had difficulty cause she is Pregnant. As I was leading, I saw that the room was so crowded and so many people just coming together to praise God. I got even more excited! And when the P.A system went down, I got even more excited! At that point in time, I was reminded that I am just but one worshipper; no different from anyone else in the congregation. Free to dance, sing and sometimes shout too. That I was thinking, should be the praises that Our CREATOR GOD truly deserves!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The weekend that just passed
I had such an exciting weekend! It all started on the Gold Coast where we as the afternoon service had our UL/UC getaway! A time where the leaders could run away to the sea side to find God! It was such an awesome time, with the leaders ministering to one another and through the holy spirit's ministering during worship and and also the bonding time that we had with our fellow leaders. It was such an amazing time!Then after that on sunday morning, we had to make our way back to St Lucia for our sunday service. I had the privillage that day to lead worship once again! I was so excited cause I wanted to see how God can use me! And yes, the Holy Spirit did move that day! Prophecies spoken, hearts responding and worshippers worshipping. It was such an awesome time! I want to continue to grow in this area of worship leading so that God can further use the energy that I currently have to teach and impact others out there who are learning to worship and praise God.

Friday, June 22, 2007
When its the time of the year once again where people are packing up their bags, notes and textbooks to return home to where they have come from. Time just flies pass so fast, once you have discovered that you could impact someone's life a bit more and you realised that they are leaving already.I guess thats why it is so important for us in the student ministry to take hold of every single opportunity we have to speak into someone's life, impact them and just share with them how much God will use a willing servant.
Just looking back, there has been so many farewells that I have been to already. Comparing to others like Wenan, Lillian or even my dear wife; maybe they have been to many more farewells than me. As much as I don't really like that feeling of not being able to see someone as much as you used to. But still I thank God for all the people that He has brought into my life and also has brought them away to their home countries, one as such is my dearest housemate, childhood friend, gaming partner, karaoke partner and bestman. I really miss those times...
May God continue to fill my path with many more people whom I can impact and make a difference to. Praise God for everything

Thursday, June 21, 2007
How is Married life?
Wow, i think that is the question that most people have asked me for the past whole month. Good thing they didn't ask, "How come you have put on so much weight"? Well that's most probably cause people are really sensitive and understanding as well. I love my married life! Its just awesome. For such a long time in my life I have been wanting or rather dying to get married. Now!!, Yes now I am finally there. And I tell you its Great!!! far better than what I have imagined.
But with all these great moments, also come certain issues that I have to deal with. Weekly cleaning of the house, washing dishes and so on.. These things are not usually done on a weekly basis in my bachelor days. But now that I am living with my beloved wife, the environment needs to be cleaner. But well, I am enjoying the cleanliness as well!
Another great part about married life is also about the openness one must have with your partner. Day in and day out, you see each other every single day. Surely your partner will have to know you much better, it comes to a point where there is nothing to hide. And that is great! I don't have to wait until shepherding to release all my worries and unhappiness in ministry! I have my wife who has gladly volunteered to support all the way. I would do like wise for her too :D
That is married life for me, it is really nice.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
ITS ALIVE!! ITS ALIVE! :my blog is alive...
I think its time to come back once again.Currently, I am still in the mist of looking for a job, really pray for me that God will open the doors for me to work in the field that I want, if its according to His will though.
Seems like now has been a really good and refreshing time for me to really adapt to life back in Brisbane. The ministry, the people, the recreation and yeah the weather too. Speaking of Ministry!! I would finally resume my role as a worship leader! I am so excited and scared at the same time. At the back of my mind, i keep thinking i might forget this or that and I am just trying my best to prepare the worship to the best I can. The amount of time I spent in my Q.T was just a good start for me overall.
God is so good, all that He does is good. All that He is going to do is also good! There is still so much of His goodness that I have yet to discover! This basically is the theme of the worship this sunday. A time to allow His creation to marvel at His amazing wonders, none can compare or even come close. "HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD"! Its going to be exciting, do I still have the energy like before? I really don't know or can't remember. But I do pray that my praise and worship unto Him will just flow out and be an encouragement to everyone.